
New Facebook Smiley Codes

Facebook chat is one of the popular way of expressing your feelings to friends and family. Normally, in this chat box we type text and use some of the common smileys or emoticons but now you can use big smileys by copying a small code to Facebook chat. Here are some of the interesting smileys to express your feeling on the Facebook Chat Box.

Heart Giving Smiley
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Coffee Emoticon
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Blushing shy emoticon
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Umbrella emoticon
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Grinning emoticon
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Sleepy emoticon yawning
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Angry emoticon
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Emoticon with fever
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Sleeping emoticon
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Tongue out emoticon
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Smiley in a gift box
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Beer smiley
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Holding heart balloon
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Giving a rose
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:

Vikrant Agarwal
Vikrant Agarwal

Vikrant Agarwal is the founder of When he is not working on blog you can find him climbing mountains.

  • To add an Emoticons Show Icons
  • To add code Use [pre]code here[/pre]
  • To add an Image Use [img]IMAGE-URL-HERE[/img]
  • To add Youtube video just paste a video link like