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"FB Emoji Codes"
Facebook Emoticons - All Time Hit
Facebook is very popular among the internet users and the popularity is increasing day by day. To add little fun and make things more interesting emoticons play a very important role. We can express our feelings using emoticons and also do a lot of fun by sharing it with family and friends.
List of Facebook Emoticons:
Facebook is more popular now-a-days. People use this media to connect to their network and enjoy chatting with friends and relatives. While interacting with others, we always try to find an interesting and creative way of representing our emotions. So, for this most of us use Smileys and Emoticons. Today, I'm sharing a list of emoticons which are very easy to use while chatting on Facebook.
How to use:
1. Suppose you want to send an HEART emoticon. So, Just use the code besides the heart emoticon from below list.
2. Type [[f9.heart]] in the chat box and press enter.
3. Your emoticon has been displayed on the chat screen. Enjoy!!
It's a Valentine week and I think you all are looking for some love emoticons and smileys to share with your loved ones. It is very important to share your feelings to your loved ones... try using these attractive emoticons to express your thoughts on Facebook Chat on this Valentine.. Good Luck and let me know if you succeed...
Copy the below emoticon code to Facebook chat:
[[283839965052379]] [[283839958385713]] [[283839961719046]] [[283839968385712]] [[283839955052380]]
[[283840028385706]] [[283840038385705]] [[283840035052372]] [[283840025052373]] [[283840031719039]]
[[283840105052365]] [[283840101719032]] [[283840108385698]] [[283840098385699]] [[283840111719031]]
[[283840175052358]] [[283840181719024]] [[283840168385692]] [[283840171719025]] [[283840178385691]]
[[283840261719016]] [[283840268385682]] [[283840265052349]] [[283840258385683]] [[283840255052350]]
[[283840335052342]] [[283840325052343]] [[283840331719009]] [[283840338385675]] [[283840328385676]]
In this post, I'm going to feature top 5 big collections of Facebook Smileys in the year 2012. In this collection, I will include those smileys which were popular over the year and its been liked by most of the users.
Send me your suggestion using comments below so that I can post more of smileys that you like :)
Facebook smileys and emoticons is the popular way of expressing your feelings(emotions) on the Facebook chat box. Here are some of the attractive and cool smileys with many different emotions/expressions. You just need to copy the respective code in your Facebook chat box and your smiley will appear there. Enjoy :-)
Copy the below smiley code to Facebook chat:
[[460402973995883]] [[460402970662550]] [[460402977329216]] [[460402980662549]]
[[460402967329217]] [[460403037329210]] [[460403030662544]] [[460403043995876]]
[[460403040662543]] [[460403033995877]] [[460403123995868]] [[460403130662534]]
[[460403117329202]] [[460403127329201]] [[460403120662535]] [[460403190662528]]
Here are some of the smileys designed for Christmas and can be used on Facebook chat box. You can easily insert these smileys by copying the respective smiley code to the Facebook chat box. Now, surprise your friends and relatives by sharing these smiley images on Facebook chat ;-)
Merry Christmas!!
Copy the smiley code to Facebook chat:
Facebook chat is one of the popular way of expressing your feelings to friends and family. Normally, in this chat box we type text and use some of the common smileys or emoticons but now you can use big smileys by copying a small code to Facebook chat. Here are some of the interesting smileys to express your feeling on the Facebook Chat Box.
Heart Giving Smiley
Copy the smiley code to facebook chat:
Facebook, I'm a big fan of it. It is the best place to connect with your friends, family... I know, you all also enjoy a lot on Facebook. Every time we look for some interesting things to do on Facebook chat, Facebook wall to surprise our friends. So, today I'm bringing you 90 Random Facebook Emoticons to use on Facebook. These are different and interesting. Try it ;-)
If you like the smileys/emoticons in the image demonstrated than you should try all the below codes in your Facebook chat box. It is very simple to use. Just copy any code you like and then paste it in your chat and press Enter. Your emoticon will be displayed on the chat box. Enjoy!!
Here is the list of Facebook Chat Smileys/Emoticons symbols & icons. You just have to use the shortcut keys to display the desired smiley on the Facebook chat box. Now-a-days FB Messenger is very famous and you all must be using it. So, these symbols of smileys can also be used there.
I liked two symbols in this list they are <3 and (y) (y). Which one do you like?

I think we all need this(Facebook Smileys) may be because we can't remember all the smileys all the time ;-)
Here are some of the interesting smileys of Facebook. Use this and enjoy!! ;)