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"Smiley Pictures"
21 Flat Smileys and Emoticons
Flat smiley graphics are in trend now-a-days. So, I thought of creating some nice
flat smileys and emoticons for you in different shades. All these
smileys are very attractive and have flat colors. Enjoy these smileys below and let me know which smiley symbol you liked the most.

When I posted my first post on
Happy Birthday Smileys I was not sure that the users will like it or not... but I got a big surprise from the users. I got too many visits on that post. So, after a huge success of previous post today I'm sharing a new improved version with more birthday smileys and emoticons. Enjoy :))
I think, smileys are funny in nature. They have the ability to make someone smile and laugh. Today, I'm sharing some of the cool, funny and creative smileys. These smileys are different from the normal/usual smileys. If you check the first smiley below it is fuzzy/hairy :)) and the next two are in costume and the last two are expression and balloon smiley.
I hope you will enjoy this collection and share your comments below.
Smileys are normally used to express the happiness and other emotions like cool, sad, wink etc. Now, use these smileys to wish your friends and relatives a Very Happy New Year and also let me know which do you like the most. Enjoy and I wish you a very **Happy New Year**
We all are familiar about wink, it's a friendly gesture. I think wink is a message without any words. After looking at many wink smileys and emoticons I found this wink smiley very attractive and eye catching so, here comes the big wink smiley. Enjoy this and let me know what wink means to you ;-)
Normally, the smileys are in yellow color but now you will see something very interesting i.e., smiley in green color. These smileys are in different tones of green and they all have different expressions which includes angry, happy, ill, wink, surprised....
We smile when we are happy and everybody like the smiling faces. There is a saying which says "Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile." Basis this, I have collected some smiling faces for you. Here you go...